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Pride Holding Hands

Who We Are & What We Do

 Airdrie Pride Society takes an intersectional approach to its vision, mission, and goals. Intersectionality is an approach that investigates the overlapping and interdependent systems of privilege and/or discrimination that people face from their multifaceted identities. Recognizing that we cannot list all identities and that identities fluctuate and language changes over time, some examples of these impacting identities include ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, ability, faith, socioeconomic status, the combination of these within a person, and the perception of these identities from external sources. Through this intersectional approach, Airdrie Pride Society further strives to advocate for the voices of equity-deserving groups in order to reduce oppression through centering people’s lived realities.


To create a society where gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are fully accepted, individuals can find their community, and access barrier-free services.


Airdrie Pride Society celebrates and promotes diversity, equity and full inclusion of all gender expressions, gender identities and sexual orientations within the City of Airdrie and surrounding areas.


 Empowering youth

Building a strong sense of community through engagement and education.

 Showcasing Airdrie’s pride through annual Solidarity Walk and Pride Festival

 Showcasing Airdrie’s pride through annual Solidarity Walk and Pride Festival

Advocating for positive change 

APS Board

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